David Lee Hall

David Lee Hall
Texas Ideas Progress

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Concerns - United States of America

Additional concerns have been raised about the proposal to invite Mexico and Canada to become states United States of America, Comments - United States of America, and Follow-up - United States of America including:
David, I really like you, but this idea is nuts!

The person who wrote the note immediately above and I met to discuss various concerns. Particularly, how people will be taught American language, laws, and approaches. The idea that we both agreed would work well is to pay retired Americans to move to various areas to work as teachers regardless of their career as long as they met certain basic criteria (this is also a good idea for the USA). Also, we agreed that it is better to integrate than to have problems that spill over into our Nation.
It would be dangerous to give Mexico that much control {95 congressional representatives - out of 435 seats - 22% of House}.

Why try to be "fair"?

We should not give representational seating to Mexico in the House.

Corruption is bad enough.

The house would be wildly corrupt with that much Mexican representation.

The proper term for representation is influence rather than control. Furthermore, there would only be 4 seats total for Mexico and Canada together in the Senate which will only be a total 8% change with 4% of that being for Mexico. Even the increased representation in the Senate could be offset if Texas broke into 5 states (as it has the option) giving it 8 additional Senators and this could also give Texas 4 additional House seats depending on how the lines are drawn. Finally, this is preferable to handing control over to bureaucrats, as is being done in the EU, and is the direction we are headed out of necessity.

Being "fair" is part of the "Golden Rule" that Christians are commanded to follow, most people agree is right, and Jesus is quoted as saying in Luke 6:31 (New International Version) "Do to others as you would have them do to you."

Mexico will change if it becomes part of the USA. Fair elections, rule of law, and increased opportunities will work wonders as people accomplish improvements. To see the difference, look at Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada that were all previously part of Mexico. Americans will move into Mexico (and Canada) in great numbers once there is the USA protection, laws, and opportunities which is also part of what changed those 7 states.


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