David Lee Hall

David Lee Hall
Texas Ideas Progress

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Comments - United States of America

Selected responses to United States of America are inserted below with my comments following each comment:

Great idea! How do we broadcast the idea/concepts to gain popular support? I appreciate your creative thinking.

I wish we could discuss the proposal at a meeting with reflective thinkers. It is definitely a solution to a seemingly intractable problem.

All responses are appreciated but of course positive reinforcement is great. Forwarding emails related to this subject, requesting feedback, and discussing this with others will yield results. A live meeting is a great idea, after we discuss this online for a while, then we can work on a series of meetings.
David! I have delayed my response to your email since the thought of compromising our American lifestyle/values was so fundamentally alien to me. However, the futility of continuing our current policy regarding illegal immigrants, border safety and the drug problem, forces one to rethink prior judgments. While the idea of uniting the countries involved is now appealing to me, the process of standardizing the laws, language and all the other items that make up a culture is monumental. Remember, that the folks that would be making these decisions are the same folks who have created our current situation.

I am now convinced the drug problem is getting worse each year. Legalizing drugs would have an immediate increase in usage, but could be reversed over a period of years just as the program to alleviate the cigarette smoking problem has succeeded. My belief that uniting these three countries into one nation would be at first a major problem. But one that could eventually would be a significant enhancement for each

Before any movement of this magnitude could be developed, we first must clean out our own house. Our Federal Governent is corrupt to the bone. The US Congress is a disgrace to every thinking American. Until we can restore some degree of integrity in our government, the idea of consolidating Mexico, America and Canada must be put on hold.

It just could be that the American people are now in the mood to listen to a well
thought program to change our way of "doing business".

I enjoy your emails! Please keep me on your list..

As you will see below, not everyone is as open to Unification, but the obvious solution will become more apparent with time. Also, corruption has been with us since the beginning of time, and the beginning of the USA, for instance Alexander Hamilton telling his New York City friends that he had convinced George Washington to pay the 13 States' war debts so they could buy those war bonds for pennies on the dollar. Furthermore, taking on expansions has never been at a good time, Alaska during the Civil War, Texas under the threat of war (Abraham Lincoln was very opposed to this expansion), and the Louisiana Purchase when there were many problems within the current territories not to mention how to assimilate the significant French population which is really still not complete.

Not till we fix our mess with our new administration. We would need to work with the metric. Why do you think they {Mexico & Canada} want to become like us?
I don't think they want to become like us anymore than Texas wants to become like any other State. However, economic, security, and efficiency issues are as important for our neighbors as they are for us. This would be an approach to improve all of those issues while improving their input on those same issues by allowing them representation in our National Government. For us, there will be greater opportunities for movement, growth, and improvement by extending our control over the territories with long shared borders with us. Currently, it is much easier for people, businesses, and goods to flow into the USA from Canada and Mexico than it is to go the other way; so this would eliminate that inequity; and this will bring many more opportunities for the People of all 3 Nations.

On the surface it sounds like a positive idea – The realization of such a plan would result in huge conflicts, and would in essence work toward the destruction of the US instead of the uplifting of the other countries.

The fact that Mexico & Canada share such long borders with us ties our destinies together. It is better to work together which will minimize conflicts. Also, there are already many conflicts that could be resolved with unification.

Is this some kind of joke? Is this serious (Canada a “state” with 10 provinces and 3 territories; and Mexico with all its corruption)?

My thought(s) is that each of these three nations would remain sovereign with its own borders and languages (Quebec), especially our U.S.

Canada has less population and a lower GDP than California. Mexico would come under USA law, enforcement, and requirements. What I don't want to see is something like the European Union where unelected bureaucrats completely control everything. We are moving toward unification in order to compete so my proposal is to make it happen in the best manner for all 3 Nations.

I don't think the idea is that "crazy", actually the logistics and getting everybody on board will be the greatest challenge.

Unification would certainly not be easy but nothing of value is easy.

Pretty interesting. & far too sensible to ever gain traction... i think the stuff in your "adjustments" paragraph alone would be enough to put the idea to rest for at least a century. throw in good old US bigotry and mexico is out. [we don't seem to mind canadians do we?] sidebar: there is plenty of evidence that NAFTA & CAFTA are really about securing corporate water rights, or more properly "ownership"; water being the next "oil". but that's just my bizarre take. thanks & good luck [please keep my thoughts anonymous] but would be glad to hear from you again anytime...

Most people from Mexico & Canada that want to be in the USA are already here. We are the ones that have trouble moving into Mexico or Canada. This limits the opportunities for people in all 3 Nations.

Not only do you completely fail to grasp the unique values our forefathers founded this country upon, but also show a total disregard for the national sovereignty, traditions and cultural values of our neighbors to the North and South.

There is no movement afoot in either country to have anything to do with us, much less lose their independent national sovereignty. Either that, or you are suggesting that the United States lose its unique identity and merge our values with those of our neighbors. The underlying assumption that nationalism is outdated and world citizenship is good is completely false.

I have been reading your emails for a while now, trying to decide where exactly you are coming from. Although you are not as blatantly wrong as the progressives and liberals, you are clearly infected with most of the false underlying beliefs they are. Please remove me from your mailing list.

Mexico & Canada both benefit greatly from trade with us, we provide employment in our territory for many of the citizens of both Nations, and we already provide protection for both Nations. Becoming part of the same nation is for mutual protection, economic gain, and increased efficiencies. The culture of Texas is very unique even with the huge number of immigrants from other parts of the USA and world. It is doubtful that will change in Texas, so I suspect that none of the 3 Nations would lose their character but instead it will enhance our cultures.

The Mexicans would love it, but Canada would never go for it. I doubt very many
Canadians would consider lowering themselves to becoming Americans.

Many Canadians become Americans every year simply because there are more opportunities in the USA and some just want a milder climate.

It would take 50 years to make this happen, and by then Canada may be out of
business anyway with their population drop.
The population of both Canada & Mexico would go up with unification because of USA citizens moving both North & South and back migration to homes because of increased opportunities.

I don’t think that nationalistic tendencies in {all 3 of} these countries would allow this kind of merger.

The definition of the USA is based on the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and subsequent (and preceding) laws. This structure works well to provide "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" within our States and Territories. Allowances for various differences have been incorporated, modified, or terminated as necessary in moving from 13 colonies to the current 50 States plus various territories so adding 2 more states is certainly feasible.

Are you suggesting allowing Canada and Mexico to become states ahead of
Washington DC and Puerto Rico?

Neither Washington D.C. nor Puerto Rico should be granted statehood.

I think that before we'll ever see a State called Mexico, the US and Mexico will need to further integrate in the other areas you elaborated on. For example, the European Union has been integrating for 50 years and still isn't one country with one leader, one foreign policy, one economy, or one currency. In fact, right now as we speak they're still debating an EU constitution and the position of the EU President.Canada may be a different story. That would be a much easier process, especially if Quebec were to leave Canada. However, seeing both of those countries as US states seem a long way off, especially now that the US is seeing a drastic decline in the economy and foreign policy dominance.

My thought is that we should not follow the EU approach, because it is not working well, and we already have a constitution that can accommodate 2 new states. Also, if you look at the numbers, Mexico has about the same GDP as California, Canada has an even lower GDP with less population than California.

Most Mexicans would be more than happy to begin speaking American (English) as well as adopting other approaches necessary for integration. The upper class would be the issue; however, if the offer is made with obvious advantages; then there will be big political problems for the upper class with not moving forward. Mexicans will be elated to be liberated without leaving their families, friends, and familiar settings behind.

Quebec is less inclined to merge. However, most of Quebec's territory and natural resources belong to Native American Nations that existed before there was a Quebec. The Native Americans will certainly have the right to join the USA separate from Quebec which is what has kept Quebec in Canada.

The time required to complete a merger is not clear but could go very quickly with motivated parties. The USA economy and foreign policy position would be improved by merging. There will be only one USA with one President, Senate, House, Supreme Court, Military, National Government, and People living in 52 states plus the territories. Also, this will require the National Government to step back from the intrusiveness that has been steadily growing since our beginning.

The opportunities for us are that we could move into Mexico and Canada for business, recreation, and retirement. Currently that is difficult for us which limits the economy of all 3 nations.

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