David Lee Hall

David Lee Hall
Texas Ideas Progress

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Follow-up - United States of America

Additional comments, questions, and concerns continue to come in about United States of America and Comments - United States of America including the following:

This topic of discussion has been very interesting and intriguing. However, one note to consider, especially to those to advocate economic integration, is that Mexicans will also be subjected to American labor laws. This would require American companies to increase salaries and cut profit. One of the key drivers of NAFTA is the cheaper labor in Mexico that has encouraged development in the region by American companies. Take the cheaper labor away, and American companies may relocate abroad, dismantling all potential economic gain. Furthermore, goods from Mexico would become more expensive and consumer demand in the United States and Canada would decline.

Many companies looking for lower labor costs have already left Mexico. This has caused economic problems along both sides of our southern border. This also pushes more people in Mexico to move north although most prefer to stay close to home, family, and friends. Labor costs in Canada are also lower than in the USA for comparable work. This fact is part of the reason so many Canadians have moved into the USA.

Mexico and Canada as well as the USA must improve productivity to stay competitive. Productivity increases come from well educated populations, with opportunities (and incentives) for advancement, and the freedom to think (and act) creatively. Having a larger United States of America will increase productivity.

Also, there will be great efficiencies realized when the land borders become shorter, everyone and everything can move longer distances without interruption, and infrastructure projects are on a larger scale. Investment money will flow into Mexico, Canada, and the USA like never before because of the increased share of the world market, protection of USA (including rule of law), and the prospects for advancement. Finally, there will eventually be an equalization of wages between the USA, Canada, and Mexico because of increasing mobility so it is better to have a higher value for that equalization.

I see the North America Union has been discussed before: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Union

Some are against it http://www.stopthenorthamericanunion.com/ They are afraid our liberties will be diluted.

If Canada & Mexico simply become 2 more states, we are safer. But how many in the US House of Representatives will they get?

If the approach described in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Union is taken (similar to the EU) then our liberties will be further surrendered to bureaucrats without much benefit to the people of the USA, Canada, or Mexico. I am convinced the EU model is the way we are headed if something is not done to change the course being taken. There are good reasons to merge but not in the way we are heading.

Keeping the number of respresentatives at 435 (which I believe is best) then the numbers for the top 7 states will be: Mexico 95, California 38, Canada 30, Texas 27, New York 23, Florida 21, and Illinois 13.

On the electoral college to elect our President the numbers will be 2 more for each State to total 490 so the percentages for the top 7 States would be: Mexico 19%, California 8%, Canada 6%, Texas 6%, New York 5%, Florida 4%, and Illinois 3% for a total of 50%. The top 7 States now have 43% of the electoral college.

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