David Lee Hall

David Lee Hall
Texas Ideas Progress

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Celebrate Our World

Dan Robertson - President, Collin County Association of REALTORS

Remarks at Celebrate Our World Reception - August 27, 2009 You Are Invited

Thank you all for inviting me. Diversity is a subject that has always been of great interest to me.

You see I grew up in the south and I have heard a lot of negative things about other races and cultures. I remember things that my Dad used to say, my grandfather too - and o’ boy what came out of my great grandmother’s mouth was, at times, terrible. I don’t like talking about the behavior of my family on this subject because they were good God-fearing people. In retrospect, they didn’t know any better. It was simply passed down to them from their parents.

I think things are getting better, although we still have a good ways to go. It was probably the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960’s that made me start thinking. I made the conscious decision not to pass this attitude on to my children. They didn’t hear it from me. And their kids are not hearing that awful talk from them.

I think I am going to write a book…. before the old timers are gone. The title will be “What Do You Remember Said” or something like that.

My background is selling residential real estate in Plano and surrounding areas. I got into the real estate business in 1985 after a 20-year career with an oil company. During the last 25 years as a real estate agent/broker I have helped a lot of people buy and sell houses in Plano and the surrounding area. I now teach agents how to succeed in the real estate business.

I am also working on a program in conjunction with the National Association of REALTORS® to bring Diversity Training to our local Real Estate Agents. My wife and I with other family members also operate a small residential Property Management Company called Park One Properties.

I have witnessed firsthand and, I like to think at least in a very small way, participated in the growth of Plano and surrounding areas helping people relocate.

In terms of diversity, I think I have worked with just about every group you can imagine to buy and sell houses…. the young, the old, the handicapped, the rich, the poor, the educated and uneducated. I think I have helped people of almost every race and culture relocate.

So here’s what have I learned.

First, I have learned that in many ways we are all basically alike. We all care about our families and one another. We all want to be accepted and loved. We all want to be respected and be good citizens.

Second, I have learned that in some ways we are all NOT alike. We can be different in our beliefs, our customs, our attitudes, our values, and our habits.

But here is the BIG thing I have learned.

Not only are there differences between cultures there are just as many differences of people within a culture. Even within a culture there can be differences in beliefs, customs, attitudes, etc.

So what does this mean to me and my work? It’s simple. It is important that we make the same effort to learn and understand other cultures just as we do our own.

According to some fairly recent statistics the cultural / race mix in Plano is about 70% White, 13% Asian, 11% Hispanic and 6% Black. By 2050 it is projected to be 50/50--white and non-white.

Now I am going to tell you something that I strongly believe.

“There is a huge need to encourage growth in cultural diversity in our city.”

How many of you agree? How many disagree? Do you think there are people NOT in this room that do not agree with this statement?

And here lies our challenge and our opportunity.

There are some that will say cultural diversity will decrease the economic value of our communities.

I strongly disagree!

And I disagree because I know we are a part of a “World Economy”. Just look at the tag on the shirt or blouse you are wearing, or the car you are driving or the computer you just bought. It is highly likely it was made in another country.

Yes, most of us agree that diversity is a humanitarian issue, but do we agree that it is an economic issue?

The “World Economy” concept alone tells me that there is a strong economic need for cultural diversity in our city. It has become clear to me that cultural diversity adds economic value and character to our city.

Again this is our challenge and our opportunity.

Folks the truth is we are all in the same boat and we need to be rowing together.

It is essential that we open our minds to better understand one another and our differences.

It is essential that we seek the truth about one another and not stoop to perpetuating stereotypes about our fellow man.

It is important for us to learn that when a person of a certain culture scratches his or her head it could be a sign of embarrassment. Yet in another culture, scratching one’s head means their head just itches.

Did you know that in some cultures looking down when speaking to a superior is a sign of respect, while in another culture it is a sign of weakness?

And the differences go on and on.

So what does all this have to do with housing in Plano? Everything!!! Again, we need cultural diversity in Plano in order for us to continue to grow and prosper. We need people of many cultures in our great city to feel welcome and wanted. We need people from all over the world to continue to relocate to Plano and we need to encourage it. It is the right thing to do and it is good for the economic health of our city.

This is my main message and I really feel like I am preaching to the choir…

Please indulge me in one last comment since real estate is a subject near and dear to me. It really has nothing to do with cultural diversity. It has everything to do with Real Estate and our city’s value.

It is important that we encourage all property owners and tenants in Plano keep their houses and yards in good repair.

Think about it. If a house and yard are not in good condition the value of the property goes down. Not only does the property value go down, but also the value of the neighbor’s house goes down. If your neighbor’s house and yard are not in good repair the entire neighborhood suffers. When house values go down so do taxes collected. When taxes collected goes down so do city services. And the downward spiral continues.

I ask for your help to get the word out as to the importance of keeping our city beautiful and in good repair, even though it is beginning to age. I use this forum to mention this simply because it is an opportunity to encourage you to raise the awareness of others. The older we get the more maintenance we need. And I am living testament to this. Our continued diligence will continue to enhance the value of our city, and attract people and businesses from all over the world to come here and live.

Bottom line…Plano is a great place to raise a family.

So that my story and my message. I am glad I was invited because I was not really aware of this group and the valuable work you do. It falls right into my belief that I have developed over the years from being on the streets selling real estate and growing up in tumultuous times.

Thank you so much for having me.

Dan Robertson can be contacted through his web sites: www.realestatetrainingandtechnology.com / www.parkoneproperties.com
Or at:
Dan@ParkOneProperties.com or 972-948-2860

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