David Lee Hall

David Lee Hall
Texas Ideas Progress

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Steve Navarre Endorsement

Steve Navarre is my choice for Plano ISD Place 6 {steve@idvote4steve.org, www.idvote4steve.org, blogs.idvote4steve.org, twitter.com/IdVote4Steve}. He is an interested Dad bringing his major enterprise consulting acumen, experiences, and success to bear on the current Plano ISD opportunities. Steve is a voice for change which is needed at this time.
Steve spoke at both candidate forums that I attended yesterday (April 9th). The Plano Rotary (which meets at the Southfork Hotel at noon on Thursdays) yesterday hosted all of the Plano School Board candidates, so they will host the City Council Candidates on April 23rd, and this forum is open to the public with an excellent buffet lunch for only $15. The evening forum yesterday for all Plano Candidates organized by the Plano Homeowners Council (http://phcplanotx.com) at Reflections on Spring Creek was also excellent, with food provided by sponsors, a large group of interested home owner association leaders interacting with candidates, and at least 3 different press publications represented.
Early voting begins April 27nd, so please vote early to avoid any hitches in making your vote count, and consider Steve's platform and answers to questions inserted below.
David Lee Hall


Steve Navarre Platform:

Accountability - With Plano ISD facing its third year of multi-million dollar budget deficits, fiscal accountability is one of Steve’s top priorities. Accountability must include all areas of education – from administrators at the campus level and teachers in the classroom, to student’s individual performance and parental involvement.

Communication - Plano ISD needs to improve communications at every level from school board meetings to local campuses. Steve believes that by increasing communications, Plano ISD will provide focused, consistent, and quality attention that will also decrease the divide often felt between administrators, teachers, and parents.

Transparency - Steve is committed to bringing fiscal transparency to Plano ISD. With a $17 million budget deficit, it is important for taxpayers to know whether their tax dollars are being spent wisely. Like Collin County, Plano ISD should put its check register online for review. Beyond financial transparency, Steve is dedicated to increasing visibility into operations and classroom instruction at all levels within the district.

Steve's Goals:

· Balance the $17 million budget deficit through reduced spending

· Raise state ratings beyond "Acceptable"

· Increase all aspects of district communications

· Increase fiscal transparency by supporting an online check register

Steve helps companies “do more with less” and we need to take that approach here in Plano.

Steve’s plan to balance and maintain a balanced budget:

· Immediately stop all discretionary spending

· Bring in independent auditors to evaluate every aspect of the district and how tax money is spent.

· Do a cost benefit analysis of outsourcing non-educational departments such as transportation, facility maintenance, janitorial services, human resources, FANS and some IT services.

· Freeze executive administrative staff pay raises until the budget is balanced.

Steve is against:

· Raising taxes

· Laying off teachers

· Increasing classroom sizes

Steve Navarre believes strongly that better education and stronger schools are built on accountability, communication and transparency. He will apply these principles to every educational and fiscal decision to make Plano schools the educational opportunity we have come to expect.

Steve Navarre Answers to Questions:

1. Will you vote to post the check register online including date, number, payee, amount, and option to view the check stub (list of line items being paid by the check)?

Yes, it a major part of my campaign platform.

2. Do you favor replacing some of our property taxes with sales taxes (City) and PISD do you favor replacing some of property taxes with a statewide sales tax to be allocated based on the number of students? -- i.e. if elected will you personally lobby Austin to help make those changes?

I believe that property taxes are regressive and affect those that struggle to own a home the worst. Sales taxes that exempt medication, food and other necessities is the fairest way to collect taxes for schools. I will personally lobby for property tax reform in Austin and will add that I will do it on my dime, not use taxpayer money to lobby in Austin.

3. Do you think that it is acceptable to continue running a deficit?

No. This lack of fiscal responsibility by a few people affects all of us.

4. Assuming NO to 3 above then are you in favor of increasing taxes, cutting costs, and then which of each.

My plan to balance and maintain a balanced budget is as follows:

· Immediately stop all discretionary spending

· Bring in independent auditors to evaluate every aspect of the district and how tax money is spent.

· Do a cost benefit analysis of outsourcing non-educational departments such as transportation, facility maintenance, janitorial services, human resources, food and nutritional services and some IT services.

· Freeze executive administrative staff pay raises until the budget is balanced.

My platform is against:

· Raising taxes

· Laying off teachers

· Increasing classroom sizes

5. Are you in favor of more, less, or the same amount of outsourcing?

More outsourcing where it makes financial and operational sense.

6. Assuming you are in favor of outsourcing then what are good options?

City - Engineering, Planning, Inspections, Legal, Security, Parks, Recreation Centers, Pest Control, Information Systems, Others?

School - Management of Selected Campuses, Varsity Athletics, Facilities, Planning, Transportation, Information Systems, Others?

After doing a cost benefit analysis of outsourcing non-educational departments such as transportation, facility maintenance, janitorial services, human resources, food and nutritional services and some IT services. No non-educational services would be off-limits to the audit.

7. Are you in favor of curfews during certain hours of the day and/or night for unaccompanied minors?

No, I am against any law that is passed that makes it a crime for you to be a person regardless of age. There are already laws already in place that address those that do not attend school during the day. At night although I do not want my children running around, it should on the parents, not the police unless those children are committing a real crime.

1 comment:

  1. Great Choice! I've known Steve for many years, and he's a passionate, responsible leader!
